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Presentations at U3A Adelaide Street campus:
26/05/24 Two of Germany's Oldest Castles
28/05/24 The pen is mightier than the sword
05/09/23 Yesterday's revolutionaries are today's classical artists
23/05/23 Storytellers of the past

Academic Publications:
Cayzer, Herlinde. "Man Must Rule and Woman Must Obey." Campus Review (2-8 July): 6.

Cayzer, Herlinde. "Self-determination versus Death: Forms of Social Criticism in Gräfin Ida von Hahn-Hahn's Gräfin Faustine." Alchemies: Community Exchanges. Eds. Glenn Pass and Denise Woods. Perth: Black Swan, 125-37.

Cayzer, Herlinde. Condemnation of Violence in the Literature of Two 19th
Century German Female Writers. Crossroads. An interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philosophy, religion and classics 3.2 (2009): 20-29. (PDF)

Conference Presentations:
Cayzer, Herlinde. “A Study of Social Critique in the Writing of Two Nineteenth Century Female German Writers.” School of Languages Postgraduate Conference. U of Melbourne. 18-19 October 2002.

Cayzer, Herlinde. “Protest against Injustice by a Nineteenth-Century Female German Writer.” (Other) Feminisms: An International Women's and Gender Studies Conference. U of Queensland. 12-16 July 2003.

Cayzer, Herlinde. “Self-Actualisation of a Nineteenth Century Heroine.” Seventh Annual Humanities Graduate Research Conference. Alchemies: Community Exchanges. New Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Curtin U of Technology. 6-7 November 2003.

Cayzer, Herlinde. “Celebrating the Struggles of our ‘Foremothers.'” Women's Studies Association of New Zealand. Massey U. 21-23 November 2003.

Cayzer, Herlinde. “Relating women's history to current times.” Women's Studies Association of New Zealand. U of Auckland. 25-27 November 2005.

September 1998.